A recent article from growth & strategy management Consulting firm Iris Advisors shares that a new operating model is essential with cost cutting and productivity taking center stage for many enterprises.
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As published by Iris Advisors, the global pandemic and its profound impact on the world economy have led many companies to pursue different and uncertain pathways towards recovery.
With cost cutting and productivity taking center stage for many, one critical step on the path to economic recovery lies in knowing what limited set of critical strategic priorities to focus on. In the immediate term, companies need to guard their cash position, re-formulate business strategy, re-adjust forecasting, focus on existing customers, and plan for new ways of working.
Complicating matters, engaging with team members, customers, and suppliers is now drastically different. Remote work aided by productivity tools like Zoom and Slack characterizes day-to-day operations for many. With gradual reopening on the horizon, some are considering hybrid office-home working styles, with “business-essential” workers at the office on a full or part time basis.
Needing to do more with fewer people and constrained resources places a premium on doing the right things…being able to see and act on your best opportunities. A good starting point would be to take a cold hard look at what is Core vs. Context to your company’s current and future growth.